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Trayvon 2 Arresting Officer Fails to Show: Hearing Postponed

by BayAreaIntifada on January 14, 2014

“Yesterday, a courtroom at Wiley Manuel Courthouse was packed with supporters of the Trayvon 2. The Trayvon 2 are comrades who were snatched up by the state for speaking out against the Zimmerman verdict several months ago. [Read more on the background from the Black Riders here.]

During the hearing, the judge called on one of the arresting officers, but the officer had failed to appear. When the judge asked the defense if a warrant should be put on him, a supporter shouted, ‘Hell yeah!'”

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‘Trayvon 2’ fight for justice

by Terri Kay on January 25, 2014, Worker’s World

Worker's World

“Oakland, Calif. — More than 75 supporters packed the courtroom on Jan. 13 to support “the Trayvon 2,” Hannibal and Tanzeen, who were arrested during the massive protests after the George Zimmerman verdict, which let Zimmerman off scot-free for the killing of Trayvon Martin. Hannibal and Tanzeen, who, significantly, are both men of color and Muslims, are the only ones still facing charges.”

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